Doug Alt

John Pea

Michael Palmer


It is the mission of the Robinson Men of the Church to help in prolonging the life of this church by providing aid and assistance to the Session, Women of the Church and the congregation with their needs. We also provide our community with assistance and love and to welcome those who are in need of a church home. Above all, we pray to be better stewards of God's teachings and to promote our church through successful events that will in turn be used to enrich our church and all who are in it.

John C. Robinson Memorial, 3106 Union Road, Gastonia, N.C. 28056

Men of the Church

The Men of the Church organized on Sept. 28, 2004, and has been growing ever since.

Our major fund-raising project is an open car show held in June of each year. Assisting us in this project are members of the Carolina Camaro Association. The funds raised from this project are used to support needy families from the Robinson Elementary school at Christmas, supplies for the students and staff at Webb Street School and to help support the Pack-a-Sack program through Third Street Presbyterian Church.

Membership is open to all men who worship with us, or express a desire to help the group further its mission.

Our Mission:
The mission of Robinson Memorial Presbyterian Church is to love God and all people by living openly Christian lives, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, welcoming all into our fellowship and being servants of Christ in our community.

Looking for a church?
We encourage persons to make a commitment of their lives to Jesus Christ, and to express that commitment through membership in the church. If you would like to take that step, please contact us by email or call us at (704) 865-0251. Membership is open to all who believe and acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.